Source code for colanderalchemy.schema

# Copyright (C) 2012 the ColanderAlchemy authors and contributors
# <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of ColanderAlchemy and is released under
# the MIT License:

import logging
import itertools

import colander
from colander import (Mapping,
from sqlalchemy import (Boolean,
from sqlalchemy.schema import (FetchedValue, ColumnDefault, Column)
from sqlalchemy.orm import (ColumnProperty, RelationshipProperty)

__all__ = ['SQLAlchemySchemaNode']

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _creation_order(obj):
    Used for sorting SQLAlchemy attributes in the order that
    they were defined
    if isinstance(obj, ColumnProperty) and isinstance(obj.columns[0], Column):
        return obj.columns[0]._creation_order
        return obj._creation_order

[docs]class SQLAlchemySchemaNode(colander.SchemaNode): """ Build a Colander Schema based on the SQLAlchemy mapped class. """ sqla_info_key = 'colanderalchemy' ca_class_key = '__colanderalchemy_config__'
[docs] def __init__(self, class_, includes=None, excludes=None, overrides=None, unknown='ignore', **kw): """ Initialise the given mapped schema according to options provided. Arguments/Keywords class\_ An ``SQLAlchemy`` mapped class that you want a ``Colander`` schema to be generated for. To declaratively customise ``Colander`` ``SchemaNode`` options, add a ``__colanderalchemy_config__`` attribute to your initial class declaration like so:: class MyModel(Base): __colanderalchemy_config__ = {'title': 'Custom title', 'description': 'Sample'} ... includes Iterable of attributes to include from the resulting schema. Using this option will ensure *only* the explicitly mentioned attributes are included and *all others* are excluded. ``includes`` can be included in the ``__colanderalchemy_config__`` dict on a class to declaratively customise the resulting schema. Explicitly passing this option as an argument takes precedence over the declarative configuration. Incompatible with :attr:`excludes`. Default: None. excludes Iterable of attributes to exclude from the resulting schema. Using this option will ensure *only* the explicitly mentioned attributes are excluded and *all others* are included. ``excludes`` can be included in the ``__colanderalchemy_config__`` dict on a class to declaratively customise the resulting schema. Explicitly passing this option as an argument takes precedence over the declarative configuration. Incompatible with :attr:`includes`. Default: None. overrides A dict-like structure that consists of schema attributes to override imperatively. Values provides as part of :attr:`overrides` will take precedence over all others. ``overrides`` can be included in the ``__colanderalchemy_config__`` dict on a class to declaratively customise the resulting schema. Explicitly passing this option as an argument takes precedence over the declarative configuration. Default: None. unknown Represents the `unknown` argument passed to :class:`colander.Mapping`. The ``unknown`` argument passed to :class:`colander.Mapping`, which defaults to ``'ignore'``, can be set by adding an ``unknown`` key to the ``__colanderalchemy_config__`` dict. For example:: class MyModel(Base): __colanderalchemy_config__ = {'title': 'Custom title', 'description': 'Sample', 'unknown': 'preserve'} ... In contrast to the other options in ``__colanderalchemy_config__``, the ``unknown`` option is not directly passed to :class:`colander.SchemaNode`. Instead, it is passed to the :class:`colander.Mapping` object, which itself is passed to :class:`colander.SchemaNode`. From Colander: ``unknown`` controls the behavior of this type when an unknown key is encountered in the cstruct passed to the deserialize method of this instance. Default: 'ignore' \*\*kw Represents *all* other options able to be passed to a :class:`colander.SchemaNode`. Keywords passed will influence the resulting mapped schema accordingly (for instance, passing ``title='My Model'`` means the returned schema will have its ``title`` attribute set accordingly. See for more information. """ self.inspector = inspect(class_) kwargs = kw.copy() # Obtain configuration specific from the mapped class kwargs.update(getattr(self.inspector.class_, self.ca_class_key, {})) declarative_includes = kwargs.pop('includes', {}) declarative_excludes = kwargs.pop('excludes', {}) declarative_overrides = kwargs.pop('overrides', {}) unknown = kwargs.pop('unknown', unknown) parents_ = kwargs.pop('parents_', []) # The default type of this SchemaNode is Mapping. super(SQLAlchemySchemaNode, self).__init__(Mapping(unknown), **kwargs) self.class_ = class_ self.parents_ = parents_ self.includes = includes or declarative_includes self.excludes = excludes or declarative_excludes self.overrides = overrides or declarative_overrides self.unknown = unknown self.declarative_overrides = {} self.kwargs = kwargs or {} self.add_nodes(self.includes, self.excludes, self.overrides)
def add_nodes(self, includes, excludes, overrides): if set(excludes) & set(includes): msg = 'excludes and includes are mutually exclusive.' raise ValueError(msg) properties = sorted(self.inspector.attrs, key=_creation_order) # sorted to maintain the order in which the attributes # are defined for name in includes or [item.key for item in properties]: prop = self.inspector.attrs.get(name, name) if name in excludes or (includes and name not in includes): log.debug('Attribute %s skipped imperatively', name) continue name_overrides_copy = overrides.get(name, {}).copy() if (isinstance(prop, ColumnProperty) and isinstance(prop.columns[0], Column)): node = self.get_schema_from_column( prop, name_overrides_copy ) elif isinstance(prop, RelationshipProperty): if prop.mapper.class_ in self.parents_ and name not in includes: continue node = self.get_schema_from_relationship( prop, name_overrides_copy ) elif isinstance(prop, colander.SchemaNode): node = prop else: log.debug( 'Attribute %s skipped due to not being ' 'a ColumnProperty or RelationshipProperty', name ) continue if node is not None: self.add(node)
[docs] def get_schema_from_column(self, prop, overrides): """ Build and return a :class:`colander.SchemaNode` for a given Column. This method uses information stored in the column within the ``info`` that was passed to the Column on creation. This means that ``Colander`` options can be specified declaratively in ``SQLAlchemy`` models using the ``info`` argument that you can pass to :class:`sqlalchemy.Column`. Arguments/Keywords prop A given :class:`` instance that represents the column being mapped. overrides A dict-like structure that consists of schema attributes to override imperatively. Values provides as part of :attr:`overrides` will take precedence over all others. """ # The name of the SchemaNode is the ColumnProperty key. name = prop.key kwargs = dict(name=name) column = prop.columns[0] typedecorator_overrides = getattr(column.type, self.ca_class_key, {}).copy() declarative_overrides =, {}).copy() self.declarative_overrides[name] = declarative_overrides.copy() key = 'exclude' if key not in itertools.chain(declarative_overrides, overrides) \ and typedecorator_overrides.pop(key, False): log.debug('Column %s skipped due to TypeDecorator overrides', name) return None if key not in overrides and declarative_overrides.pop(key, False): log.debug('Column %s skipped due to declarative overrides', name) return None if overrides.pop(key, False): log.debug('Column %s skipped due to imperative overrides', name) return None self.check_overrides(name, 'name', typedecorator_overrides, declarative_overrides, overrides) for key in ['missing', 'default']: self.check_overrides(name, key, typedecorator_overrides, {}, {}) # The SchemaNode built using the ColumnProperty has no children. children = [] # The type of the SchemaNode will be evaluated using the Column type. # User can overridden the default type via or # imperatively using overrides arg in SQLAlchemySchemaNode.__init__ # Support sqlalchemy.types.TypeDecorator column_type = getattr(column.type, 'impl', column.type) imperative_type = overrides.pop('typ', None) declarative_type = declarative_overrides.pop('typ', None) typedecorator_type = typedecorator_overrides.pop('typ', None) if imperative_type is not None: if hasattr(imperative_type, '__call__'): type_ = imperative_type() else: type_ = imperative_type log.debug('Column %s: type overridden imperatively: %s.', name, type_) elif declarative_type is not None: if hasattr(declarative_type, '__call__'): type_ = declarative_type() else: type_ = declarative_type log.debug('Column %s: type overridden via declarative: %s.', name, type_) elif typedecorator_type is not None: if hasattr(typedecorator_type, '__call__'): type_ = typedecorator_type() else: type_ = typedecorator_type log.debug('Column %s: type overridden via TypeDecorator: %s.', name, type_) elif isinstance(column_type, Boolean): type_ = colander.Boolean() elif isinstance(column_type, Date): type_ = colander.Date() elif isinstance(column_type, DateTime): type_ = colander.DateTime(default_tzinfo=None) elif isinstance(column_type, Enum): type_ = colander.String() kwargs["validator"] = colander.OneOf(column.type.enums) elif isinstance(column_type, Float): type_ = colander.Float() elif isinstance(column_type, Integer): type_ = colander.Integer() elif isinstance(column_type, String): type_ = colander.String() kwargs["validator"] = colander.Length(0, column.type.length) elif isinstance(column_type, Numeric): type_ = colander.Decimal() elif isinstance(column_type, Time): type_ = colander.Time() else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Not able to derive a colander type from sqlalchemy ' 'type: %s Please explicitly provide a colander ' '`typ` for the "%s" Column.' % (repr(column_type), name) ) """ Add default values possible values for default in SQLA: 1. plain non-callable Python value - give to Colander as a default 2. SQL expression (derived from ColumnElement) - leave default blank and allow SQLA to fill 3. Python callable with 0 or 1 args 1 arg version takes ExecutionContext - leave default blank and allow SQLA to fill all values for server_default should be ignored for Colander default """ if (isinstance(column.default, ColumnDefault) and column.default.is_scalar): kwargs["default"] = column.default.arg """ Add missing values possible values for default in SQLA: 1. plain non-callable Python value - give to Colander as a missing unless nullable 2. SQL expression (derived from ColumnElement) - set missing to 'drop' to allow SQLA to fill this in and make it an unrequired field 3. Python callable with 0 or 1 args 1 arg version takes ExecutionContext - set missing to 'drop' to allow SQLA to fill this in and make it an unrequired field if nullable, then missing = colander.null (this has to be the case since some colander types won't accept `None` as a value, but all accept `colander.null`) all values for server_default should result in 'drop' for Colander missing autoincrement results in drop """ if isinstance(column.default, ColumnDefault): if column.default.is_callable: kwargs["missing"] = drop elif column.default.is_clause_element: # SQL expression kwargs["missing"] = drop elif column.default.is_scalar: kwargs["missing"] = column.default.arg elif column.nullable: kwargs["missing"] = colander.null elif isinstance(column.server_default, FetchedValue): kwargs["missing"] = drop # value generated by SQLA backend elif (hasattr(column.table, "_autoincrement_column") and id(column.table._autoincrement_column) == id(column)): # this column is the autoincrement column, so we can drop # it if it's missing and let the database generate it kwargs["missing"] = drop kwargs.update(typedecorator_overrides) kwargs.update(declarative_overrides) kwargs.update(overrides) return colander.SchemaNode(type_, *children, **kwargs)
def check_overrides(self, name, arg, typedecorator_overrides, declarative_overrides, overrides): msg = None if arg in typedecorator_overrides: msg = ('%s: argument %s cannot be overridden in the TypeDecorator ' 'class.') elif arg in declarative_overrides: msg = '%s: argument %s cannot be overridden via info kwarg.' elif arg in overrides: msg = '%s: argument %s cannot be overridden imperatively.' if msg: raise ValueError(msg % (name, arg))
[docs] def get_schema_from_relationship(self, prop, overrides): """ Build and return a :class:`colander.SchemaNode` for a relationship. The mapping process will translate one-to-many and many-to-many relationships from SQLAlchemy into a ``Sequence`` of ``Mapping`` nodes in Colander, and translate one-to-one and many-to-one relationships into a ``Mapping`` node in Colander. The related class involved in the relationship will be recursively mapped by ColanderAlchemy as part of this process, following the same mapping process. This method uses information stored in the relationship within the ``info`` that was passed to the relationship on creation. This means that ``Colander`` options can be specified declaratively in ``SQLAlchemy`` models using the ``info`` argument that you can pass to :meth:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`. For all relationships, the settings will only be applied to the outer Sequence or Mapping. To customise the inner schema node, create the attribute ``__colanderalchemy_config__`` on the related model with a dict-like structure corresponding to the Colander options that should be customised. Arguments/Keywords prop A given :class:`` instance that represents the relationship being mapped. overrides A dict-like structure that consists of schema attributes to override imperatively. Values provides as part of :attr:`overrides` will take precedence over all others. Example keys include ``children``, ``includes``, ``excludes``, ``overrides``. """ # The name of the SchemaNode is the ColumnProperty key. name = prop.key kwargs = dict(name=name) declarative_overrides =, {}).copy() self.declarative_overrides[name] = declarative_overrides.copy() class_ = prop.mapper.class_ if declarative_overrides.pop('exclude', False): log.debug('Relationship %s skipped due to declarative overrides', name) return None for key in ['name', 'typ']: self.check_overrides(name, key, {}, declarative_overrides, overrides) key = 'children' imperative_children = overrides.pop(key, None) declarative_children = declarative_overrides.pop(key, None) if imperative_children is not None: children = imperative_children msg = 'Relationship %s: %s overridden imperatively.' log.debug(msg, name, key) elif declarative_children is not None: children = declarative_children msg = 'Relationship %s: %s overridden via declarative.' log.debug(msg, name, key) else: children = None key = 'includes' imperative_includes = overrides.pop(key, None) declarative_includes = declarative_overrides.pop(key, None) if imperative_includes is not None: includes = imperative_includes msg = 'Relationship %s: %s overridden imperatively.' log.debug(msg, name, key) elif declarative_includes is not None: includes = declarative_includes msg = 'Relationship %s: %s overridden via declarative.' log.debug(msg, name, key) else: includes = None key = 'excludes' imperative_excludes = overrides.pop(key, None) declarative_excludes = declarative_overrides.pop(key, None) if imperative_excludes is not None: excludes = imperative_excludes msg = 'Relationship %s: %s overridden imperatively.' log.debug(msg, name, key) elif declarative_excludes is not None: excludes = declarative_excludes msg = 'Relationship %s: %s overridden via declarative.' log.debug(msg, name, key) else: excludes = None key = 'overrides' imperative_rel_overrides = overrides.pop(key, None) declarative_rel_overrides = declarative_overrides.pop(key, None) if imperative_rel_overrides is not None: rel_overrides = imperative_rel_overrides msg = 'Relationship %s: %s overridden imperatively.' log.debug(msg, name, key) elif declarative_rel_overrides is not None: rel_overrides = declarative_rel_overrides msg = 'Relationship %s: %s overridden via declarative.' log.debug(msg, name, key) else: rel_overrides = None # Add default values for missing parameters. if prop.innerjoin: # Inner joined relationships imply it is mandatory missing = required else: # Any other join is thus optional missing = [] kwargs['missing'] = missing kwargs.update(declarative_overrides) kwargs.update(overrides) if children is not None: if prop.uselist: # xToMany relationships. return SchemaNode(Sequence(), *children, **kwargs) else: # xToOne relationships. return SchemaNode(Mapping(), *children, **kwargs) node = SQLAlchemySchemaNode(class_, name=name, includes=includes, excludes=excludes, overrides=rel_overrides, missing=missing, parents_=self.parents_ + [self.class_]) if prop.uselist: node = SchemaNode(Sequence(), node, **kwargs) = name return node
[docs] def dictify(self, obj): """ Return a dictified version of `obj` using schema information. The schema will be used to choose what attributes will be included in the returned dict. Thus, the return value of this function is suitable for consumption as a ``Deform`` ``appstruct`` and can be used to pre-populate forms in this specific use case. Arguments/Keywords obj An object instance to be converted to a ``dict`` structure. This object should conform to the given schema. For example, ``obj`` should be an instance of this schema's mapped class, an instance of a sub-class, or something that has the same attributes. """ dict_ = {} for node in self: name = try: getattr(self.inspector.column_attrs, name) value = getattr(obj, name) except AttributeError: try: prop = getattr(self.inspector.relationships, name) if prop.uselist: value = [self[name].children[0].dictify(o) for o in getattr(obj, name)] else: o = getattr(obj, name) value = None if o is None else self[name].dictify(o) except AttributeError: # The given node isn't part of the SQLAlchemy model msg = 'SQLAlchemySchemaNode.dictify: %s not found on %s' log.debug(msg, name, self) continue # SQLAlchemy mostly converts values into Python types # appropriate for appstructs, but not always. The biggest # problems are around `None` values so we're dealing with # those here. All types should accept `colander.null` so # we mostly change `None` into that. if value is None: if isinstance(node.typ, colander.String): # colander has an issue with `None` on a String type # where it translates it into "None". Let's check # for that specific case and turn it into a # `colander.null`. dict_[name] = colander.null else: # A specific case this helps is with Integer where # `None` is an invalid value. We call serialize() # to test if we have a value that will work later # for serialization and then allow it if it doesn't # raise an exception. Hopefully this also catches # issues with user defined types and future issues. try: node.serialize(value) except: dict_[name] = colander.null else: dict_[name] = value else: dict_[name] = value return dict_
[docs] def objectify(self, dict_, context=None): """ Return an object representing ``dict_`` using schema information. The schema will be used to choose how the data in the structure will be restored into SQLAlchemy model objects. The incoming ``dict_`` structure corresponds with one that may be created from the :meth:`dictify` method on the same schema. Relationships and backrefs will be restored in accordance with their specific configurations. The return value of this function will be suitable for adding into an SQLAlchemy session to be committed to a database. Arguments/Keywords dict\_ An dictionary or similar data structure to be converted to a an SQLAlchemy object. This data structure should conform to the given schema. For example, ``dict_`` should be an appstruct (such as that returned from a Deform form submission), result of a call to this schema's :meth:`dictify` method, or a matching structure with relevant keys and nesting, if applicable. context Optional keyword argument that, if supplied, becomes the base object, with attributes and objects being applied to it. Specify a ``context`` in the situation where you already have an object that exists already, such as when you have a pre-existing instance of an SQLAlchemy model. If your model is already bound to a session, then this facilitates directly updating the database -- just pass in your dict or appstruct, and your existing SQLAlchemy instance as ``context`` and this method will update all of its attributes. This is a perfect fit for something like a CRUD environment. Default: ``None``. Defaults to instantiating a new instance of the mapped class associated with this schema. """ mapper = self.inspector context = mapper.class_() if context is None else context for attr in dict_: if mapper.has_property(attr): prop = mapper.get_property(attr) if hasattr(prop, 'mapper'): cls = prop.mapper.class_ if prop.uselist: # Sequence of objects value = [self[attr].children[0].objectify(obj) for obj in dict_[attr]] else: # Single object value = self[attr].objectify(dict_[attr]) else: value = dict_[attr] if value is colander.null: # `colander.null` is never an appropriate # value to be placed on an SQLAlchemy object # so we translate it into `None`. value = None setattr(context, attr, value) else: # Ignore attributes if they are not mapped log.debug( 'SQLAlchemySchemaNode.objectify: %s not found on ' '%s. This property has been ignored.', attr, self ) continue return context
def clone(self): cloned = self.__class__(self.class_, self.includes, self.excludes, self.overrides, self.unknown, **self.kwargs) cloned.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) cloned.children = [node.clone() for node in self.children] return cloned