Source code for colanderalchemy

# Copyright (C) 2012 the ColanderAlchemy authors and contributors
# <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of ColanderAlchemy and is released under
# the MIT License:

from .schema import SQLAlchemySchemaNode

__all__ = ['SQLAlchemySchemaNode']

__colanderalchemy__ = '__colanderalchemy__'

[docs]def setup_schema(mapper, class_): """ Build a Colander schema for ``class_`` and attach it to that class. This method is designed to be attached to the ``mapper_configured`` event from SQLAlchemy. See for more information about event handling. Arguments/Keywords mapper The mapper associated with the given ``class_``. This is typically passed automatically via the SQLAlchemy event handler. May be specified as ``None`` if this method is being called manually. class\_ The SQLAlchemy mapped class. This class may have attributes, related mapped classes (via SQLAlchemy relationships) and the like. """ setattr(class_, __colanderalchemy__, SQLAlchemySchemaNode(class_))